Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Miracle Makers- Matilda uses her superpowers to move pebbles on a beach in Hawaii

I think your concept for your script is interesting. However, you could have expanded on the idea further; more things could have occurred. At times, your voice projection is not very clear, it goes from loud to high and squeaky. Your 3-D setting is interesting as it is made out clay. However, you could have spent more time on your puppet. The size of your puppet was too big for your setting.

Creativity- 4

Puppet Master and Prop Maneuvering – 3

Audio and Voice Editing – 3

Colour Scheme- 4

Use of Media- 4

IT ability- 5

Marks- 23/30

The Newts- Ms Truncbull goes to Italy and shows her strength at the Leaning Tower of Pisa

Your 3-D setting is very colourful and well-done. You filmed the video well as the audience can see the entire setting. Furthermore, your script is smart and original. However, you could have put in more effort into your puppets and figure out a way to maneuver the puppets without the audience seeing your hands.

Creativity- 5

Puppet Master and Prop Maneuvering – 3

Audio and Voice Editing – 4

Colour Scheme- 5

Use of Media- 5

IT ability- 5

Marks- 27/30

The Red House- Ms. Honey goes on an African Safari

Your 3-D setting is very neat and well-done. However, you could have put in more effort in the design of your puppets. When you filmed the video, your puppet did not face the camera once. The audience could see the stick and scotch tape at the back of your puppet.

Creativity- 4

Puppet Mastery and Prop Maneuvering – 2

Audio and Voice Editing – 4

Colour Scheme- 5

Use of Media- 4

IT ability- 5

Marks- 24/30

Sawdust- Matilda attempts to ski for the first time ever in Switzerland

I think your script is original. However, you could have put more effort into your 3-D setting design in order to capitalize on your interesting script. There is no colour scheme, everything is white. It is difficult to see what exactly your puppets are doing.

Creativity- 4

Puppet Master and Prop Maneuvering – 3

Audio and Voice Editing – 3

Colour Scheme- 2

Use of Media- 3

IT ability- 3

Marks- 18/30

Crunchem Hall- Matilda gets involved in a snow-ball fight with some locals in Paris, France.

I think your 3-D setting is colourful, attractive and beautiful. Your script is very original as well. However, you could have zoomed out in order for the audience to see your entire 3-D setting, instead of just portions of it. The audience never gets a full view of the Eiffel Tower, which is the most prominent prop in your setting.

Creativity- 5

Puppet Master and Prop Maneuvering – 4

Audio and Voice Editing – 4

Colour Scheme- 4

Use of Media- 3

IT ability- 5

Marks- 25/30

Bookworms- Matilda goes to a beach in U.S.A

I think your 3-D setting is very colourful and very well done. However, your script could have been more interesting. Matilda simply goes to the beach and reads Great Expectations. It was good that you tried to use different tones for the voice of Matilda.

Creativity- 3

Puppet Mastery and Prop Maneuvering – 3

Audio and Voice Editing – 4

Colour Scheme- 5

Use of Media- 4

IT ability- 5

Marks- 24/30

Chopper – Ms Trunchbull takes part in a Mexican bull-fighting competition in Mexico

Your 3-D setting is all the same colour, white. There is no colour contrast which makes it difficult to see the movements of your puppet. However, I think your script is very creative and I like that you use an accent for your narrator.

Creativity- 4

Puppet Mastery and Prop Maneuvering – 3

Audio and Voice Editing – 4

Colour Scheme- 2

Use of Media- 3

IT ability- 4

Marks- 20/30

Literature Concepts that we have learnt in class


This project helps you to see that everyone will act according to character and make choices according to their character too.

When you choose a holiday destination or activities/
clothes/shoes/etc for your character, I would be able to see if you know the concept of character very well from the things that you choose for him/her. I would also be able to gauge your feelings about them.

The Character suitase/SketchBook Project: Individual

You will have to work with ONE member of your family and send him/her on an imagined holiday. Whatever you do for your group, you might want to consider for your family member. Make sure that you write down your discussions with your chosen family member in your sketchbooks so you can do your best for him/her. You should encourage your family member to write down his/her thoughts too. You should be able to draw/sketch the activities or even have clipart /paste pictures (if you are not a good artist)

PEEL Format: To write an essay using the PEEL format
P = Point
E = Evidence
E = Elaboration
L = Link

Theme: Theme is an idea or message about life, society or human nature.

Symbol: A symbol is an object that represent another object or idea.

Characters: Characters are actors in the story and they have their own personalities and points of view. Their personalities can be seen through the eyes of others as well as what they did and say in the story.